
This Data Protection Policy is specifically adapted to the website of TROPPO WORKS (, as well as the applications and services, which the holder of the personal data could make use of through the aforementioned web page (collectively referred to as "Services"). For this purpose, and under the conditions set out in the Data Protection Policy, TROPPO WORKS may communicate your personal data to other Group companies, when necessary for the provision of the aforementioned services.

This Data Protection Policy may be modified by TROPPO WORKS, prior communication to the data owner through the web page or by other means so that he can know it and continue using our Services. The fact that you continue to enjoy our Services after having notified you of the mentioned modifications, will mean that you agree with them, unless express consent is necessary.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

The person responsible for processing the personal data that the data owner provides on the website ( it will be the company TROPPO WORKS.

For the appropriate management of the processing of your personal data, TROPPO WORKS has designated a Data Protection Delegate who you can go to to solve any question you need, being able to contact via email

For what purpose do we process your data?

At TROPPO WORKS we can process the personal data requested from the holder thereof for the following purposes:

1. Contact "we call you" and "make an appointment": manage the data of interested persons who contact TROPPO WORKS through the forms that TROPPO WORKS makes available to the user. Likewise, your data will be processed in order to manage the inquiries and appointments that you send us through the channels enabled for this purpose on our website.

What data do we process and from what source is it obtained?

The processed data comes from:

Data provided by the interested party, through the filling in of the forms enabled for this purpose and of the relations established with TROPPO WORKS.

Data derived from the provision of the service and the maintenance of the activity. This category includes navigation data through the public website or access to the "services" made available to the user.

The own management, maintenance and development of the relationship with the patient.

Data obtained from marketing studies in which the patient has agreed to participate and has given consent to be used.

Depending on the service, the processed data may include, among others, the following typology:

Identification data (e.g. first name, surname, identity document, postal address, email, telephone number).

Socio-economic data (e.g. economic, financial).

Goods and services transaction data (e.g. payments for services rendered).

Commercial information data (e.g. interests in products or services).

Health data.

What is the legal justification for the processing of your data?

The treatment of your data relating to "Contact", "Request an appointment", "We call you" (in the event that they are developed and incorporated within the TROPPO WORKS website) and other communication channels at your disposal, are based on the consent.

The communication of your data and the sending of advertising and marketing of own products or similar to those contracted by the interested party, or in the cases of third party advertising, is also based on the consent of the interested party that will necessarily lend.

Who is your data communicated to?

The personal data processed by TROPPO WORKS to achieve the purposes detailed above may be communicated to persons, entities, bodies and institutions that could demonstrate a legitimate interest or legal obligation.

How long will we keep your data?

Personal data will be kept for the time established in the regulations on patient autonomy as well as other applicable sectoral laws. After the aforementioned periods, the data will be deleted in accordance with the provisions of the data protection regulations, which will involve blocking, being available only at the request of judges and courts, the ombudsman, the fiscal ministry or the competent public administrations during the limitation period for the actions that may result from it and, once this period has elapsed, their complete elimination will proceed.

What are your rights?

Anyone interested has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed at TROPPO WORKS.

In the same way, as provided for in the General Data Protection Regulation, the interested party may exercise the following rights:

Access your data in order to know the processing of the interested party's personal data carried out by TROPPO WORKS.

Request rectification when the interested party considers them inaccurate and they are being processed by TROPPO WORKS.

Request the limitation of the processing of your data in cases where the regulations so contemplate. In these cases, TROPPO WORKS will retain the data subject to the limitation for the exercise or defense of claims as provided for in the General Data Protection Regulation.

Likewise, you have the right to access, rectify, delete the data, limit the processing, oppose the processing and exercise your right to the portability of the personal data, all of this free of charge, by writing to the reference "Data Protection" by email to the address of the Data Protection Officer In both cases, the interested party must provide, together with the corresponding letter, a photocopy of the national identity document.

Finally, the owner of the data may submit a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, especially when he has not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of his rights.